richer or poorer |
Here are some questions one should ask to detect if there is a problem:After gambling, when you lose money, be it a small or a large amount, do regret it, or feel resentment?When you win, do you have a strong desire to win more, therefore you want to go back?When you lose, do you feel a need to go back very soon?
Do you spend a lot of time gambling, usually longer than what you planned?If you have problems, do you gamble to forget them? Are you spending more time gambling than with work?Do you not stop until your very last dollar is taken up?Do arguments take place between you and your family as a result of your need to gamble?To finance your gambling, do you borrow money from friends or associates?
richer or poorer
Gambling addiction can be destructive. Family, friends and your reputation are at risk. It is a condition often times ignored. There are escape gamblers that affect seventy five percent of women from their thirties and up. Usually the reasons for gambling is to escape from the emotional pain that they are in, being bored, lonely, depressed or that they make gambling their hobby or past time. These types of addiction can be cured in three to six months.
The action gambler is much more difficult to deal. Most are men, where gambling for them creates ecstasy like a drug addition. This is much harder to cure, since the individual will deny the fact, when confronted. They will typically not stop until left with nothing, financially.
As gambling creates a lot of scams, it is a fact that still more and more are drawn to it. The primary reason is to win a huge amount of money. But then comes in the most lethal of reasons -- that of feeling a certain euphoria. Scams or no scams, an individual still continues to gamble and is a reason why offline gambling still thrives today.